
Brave In Battle, Wise In Council, Honorable In Peace

Below is the actual page from the March 5th, 1859 edition of "The London Illustrated News".

It reads as follows:

This Indian chief - whose portrait we engrave from an ambrotype obligingly forwarded to us by Mr. Justin Cressy, of Lansing, Michigan, United States - died full of years at his wigwam, a few miles from Lansing, on the Lokking-glass, and was buried, on Sunday, the 5th of December last, at the Indian settlement Shiminicon, Ionia County,on the Grand River, near Portland, about twenty miles north-west from the capital. The following  brief memoir of the old Chief is by Rufus Hosmer, editor of the Lansing Republican.

Okemos was a very  old man, but of what  age is difficult to say; doubtless, more than a hundred years. The events of the border warfare on Lake Erie in 1792 were familiar to him, for he was a sort of aboriginal Dugald Dalgetty, and fought both with and against St. Clair and Wayne. He had a frightful scare to show for his prowess (for a man of undoubted bravery he certainly was), and one in particular, showing a cicatrix extending from his shoulder downward and transversely, through the clavicle and sternum, was the evidence of a saber-cut from one of the Mad Anthony’s troopers. He was a war chief no less than sixty six years ago.

Okemos fought at Fort Meigs, and there received wounds in the head which, if had been a white man, would have made his obituary an old story.